Residential demand side flexibility in N. America is… different. EnergyHub has been there from the beginning – starting in 2009 and scaling to over 1.3 million devices managed in 100+ programs for more than 70 utilities and electricity providers across the USA & Canada.
Come take a quick trip across the pond to learn:
- What it takes to build a reliable, customer-centric residential virtual powerplant at scale.
- How to unlock value for distribution utilities and residential customers alike.
- The pitfalls and opportunities that come with scaling programs to 100,000+devices and how AI-driven cross-DER optimization can drive more value for all parties.Attend this session to hear case studies from some of North America’s most innovative electricity providers including National Grid, Ontario IESO, and more.
Event Timeslots (1)
IJ Zaal
Zygmunt Strawczynski
International Business Development