
How to build a 100 MW virtual power plant in six months and other tales from North American residential demand-side flexibility

Residential demand side flexibility in N. America is… different. EnergyHub has been there from the beginning – starting in 2009 and scaling to over 1.3 million devices managed in 100+ programs for more than 70 utilities and electricity providers across the USA & Canada. Come take a quick trip across the pond to learn: What

How to build a 100 MW virtual power plant in six months and other tales from North American residential demand-side flexibility Read More »

Beyond the technical potential of flexibility – a large-scale comparative study of congestion management instruments in the built environment

The increasing integration of renewable energy and rising electricity demand are already causing congestion in Dutch distribution grids, hindering economic growth and sustainability. As part of the GO-e project, TU/e researchers investigated various instruments that Dutch grid operators can implement in the short term to manage this congestion. The instruments were selected in close consultation

Beyond the technical potential of flexibility – a large-scale comparative study of congestion management instruments in the built environment Read More »

Equigy: The European common front door to increase market liquidity and enable TSO-DSO coordination

Equigy, a collaboration between 6 major European TSOs, is developing a standardized digital infrastructure for aggregators, TSOs, and DSOs to simplify market access. This presentation will dive into the current and future developments, with a focus on TSO-DSO models being adopted by our TSO and DSO partners.

Equigy: The European common front door to increase market liquidity and enable TSO-DSO coordination Read More »

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