Day 2 - Morning

Road to Success: lessons from the Dutch model for congestion management

GOPACS, short for Grid Operators Platform for AnCillary Services, is a platform to resolve transportation problems in the electricity grid (like congestion management and reactive power support). GOPACS is a collaboration of the Dutch grid operators and unique within Europe. Throughout our journey, we encountered many challenges, but also achieved milestones. This taught us important

Road to Success: lessons from the Dutch model for congestion management Read More »

Energizing Communities: Fostering Flexible, Participatory Energy Networks in Britain and Portugal

This session explores how different energy regulations in the UK and Portugal are driving the development of flexible energy communities. We’ll examine how these communities are leveraging technologies like battery storage, flexible loads and energy sharing to reduce grid congestion, and support DSOs in maintaining grid stability.

Energizing Communities: Fostering Flexible, Participatory Energy Networks in Britain and Portugal Read More »

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