Track 1 / Room: Studio
10.00 - 10.30
Open source in smart energy - principles, opportunities & examples
Nicolas advises you to not bet against Open source software in managing smart and flexible energy systems. After all, open source is driving innovation in other parts of the digital world like databases or machine learning ― why not in energy? Open source and open standards make long-term strategy easier and can save costs. Eco-systems around open source smart energy are emerging, with some bigger names joining, as well. With Seita Energy Flexibilty, Nicolas has spent multiple years in this growing niche. He will narrate their own journey in open innovation, including the recent implementation of FAN's open protocol for energy flexibility. In addition, Nicolas will list several other project examples in open source smart energy software.
Presented by Nicolas Höning from SEITA.

About Nicolas Höning
Nicolas has been a programmer for more than 20 years and busy with energy optimization for more than 10. He defended his Phd dissertation in Computer Science at TU Delft in 2016 (topic: flexible planning in smart grids). Before co-founding Seita Energy Flexibility in 2017, he has worked in two IT startups, enabling neurosience-based web design and energy trading services.
Seita Energy Flexibility is a Dutch software startup with 6 full-time engineers. Their open-source platform FlexMeasures is built to unearth the value of energy flexibility. It is used for business case simulations, as well as real-time optimal control of energy assets like (EV) batteries, heat pumps and industry processes via the cloud.
Both founders of Seita have been obsessed with the potential value of energy flexibility since 10+ years when they met in academia. They believe in transparency when delivering solutions to complex problems, where the work begins behind the meter and progresses to novel integrations like congestion or imbalance markets.