
Track 3 / Room: Mezzo
14.10 - 14.40

Flexible tomatoes taste better than baseload tomatoes

The Industry is on a journey from baseload consumer to flexible energy trader. In this journey, Flexcity empowered industrials by enabling them to benefit from every opportunity in the short-term energy markets and even outcompete big utilities.

This talk will first set forward Flexcity's vision of "Every company is an energy company". Secondly, the talk will deep-dive into some use cases of companies that journeyed from baseload to flexible energy traders and now use their "Flex" to arbitrate daily between their end product (Steel, Steam, Tomatoes etc..) and prices on all short-term energy markets.

Harold Potvliege

About Harold Potvliege

Harold leads Flexcity's Product Department and is responsible for developing new flexibility services in Benelux, France, Italy and Spain. He has a background in Energy Engineering from the KULeuven and pure economics from Cambridge. He worked as a Swiss knife within Flexcity on various topics, such as participation in Belgium's first CRM auction, developing aFRR in the Netherlands, and negotiating Flexibility Purchase Agreements. What he loves most is the contracting and implementation of full-cross-market-optimization for various flexible assets such as batteries, industrial CHPs/eboilers and wind. His daily contact with portfolio managers, IT developers, data engineers, clients, and the sales team makes him an all-around flexibility expert.

About Flexcity

Connect, manage and optimize the use of electrical appliances in real time by using demand management.


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