Jasper Kroondijk

Senior Project Manager bij DEP – Energy Consultancy

Jasper Kroondijk started his career in the energy sector as management trainee at the DSO Alliander. Since 2018, he has worked fulltime in developing the field of congestion management and flexibility markets. Jasper is involved with GOPACS since January 2019, and, amongst other projects (such as the first implementation of congestion management at Liander in 2018-2020), has been responsible at GOPACS for developing the cooperation and connection with EPEX SPOT. Jasper currently fulfills the role of manager Platforms at GOPACS, in which he is responsible for strategy, connected platforms and new projects to maximize liquidity. Jasper has a background in strategy economics.

GOPACS, short for Grid Operators Platform for AnCillary Services, is an important platform to reduce capacity shortages in the electricity grid (congestion). The platform helps to keep the grid reliable and affordable. GOPACS is a collaboration of the Dutch grid operators and unique within Europe. While the electricity grid is being strengthened and expanded, GOPACS helps grid operators better match electricity supply and demand to reduce congestion.

GOPACS allows large and small market players to easily monetise their available flexibility and help resolve congestion and voltage problems. Also, the cooperation of grid operators ensures that solving a transportation problem in one part of the electricity grid does not cause a problem in another part of the grid at another grid operator. GOPACS is not a trading platform, but a market place for ancillary services. For GOPACS, the grid operators have teamed up with several energy trading platforms, such as ETPA and EPEX SPOT. Through these platforms, participants can submit their flex offers to GOPACS.

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